Welcome to Viva-city and Downtown San Diego
Sandra Simmons, Viva-city

Life in the City

-by Sandra Simmons

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)


Amidst this time of hope and despair, the New Year certainly ushers in change. The nation will inaugurate a new President and many members of his Executive Cabinet.

Pundits unanimously predict the next administration would hit the ground running, giving immediate attention to the many economic and security challenges facing our nation.

With visions of an economic recovery package that includes the largest infrastructure program since the 1950s, the belief is to stimulate growth by offering a new type of work to the middle class sector. This package is to rebuild highways and bridges, but also to invest in the future–green technology and manufacturing.

Thomas Edison came from humble beginnings; his early life was filled with a variety of work that lead him to revolutionize the way we see the world. As a prolific inventor, he gave us electricity, phonographs, and motion pictures with sound.

Now is the time to pull on the overalls and begin the work in revolutionizing the world for the next generation.

With deficits looming at both our state and city level, politicians are approaching the federal government for their share of the stimulus package.

Will these funds be used to create change from the ground up? For the opportunity to reinvent? Or, with gas prices fluctuating at a low point, will we go back to business as usual?

I submit….Is going green too much work?

Bill AbleThe Metrome is taking cost saving measures. By eliminating 50% of the florescent tubes in the common areas and replacing the remaining with LED lighting, they achieve the same amount of light for less cost, imparts Ana Gramling. Bill Abel explains, “Not only are we reducing our electricity bill by 65%, we are saving on maintenance costs, and reducing our carbon footprint.”Carol Gilbertson

Upon retiring, Carol Gilbertson (600 Front) purchased a transit pass and travels by bus or trolley when running errands. She also enjoys walking and is doing her part in making the neighborhood clean by picking up trash and depositing it a trash receptacle.

Dan ReddenDana Redden (El Roberto) believes,“2009 is the break out year for green efforts.” She recently learned that most appliances draw energy even when on standby. She uses a smart surge protector with remote control to stop the vampire electronics from sucking energy.

As the treasurer of my homeowners association, I have watched our water/sewer bill increase by 35% in the past few months. Therefore, my New Year’s resolution is to use less water. As I silently sing Happy Birthday while lathering my hands with soap, I resolve to turn off the faucet. When giving Allee and Callee their morning water, I resolve to discard the stale water in my indoor plants.

What steps will you take this year to go green? Email me at Sandra@viva-city.info. And, check out the new City Life Go Green page for tips provided by your neighbors. -January 2009

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